Thursday, January 30, 2014

Picturas de aventuras

seem to be in a constant race with time. It seems to be accelerating and I am unable to keep up. So, if photos are worth a thousand words, this post is a novel. Enjoy!
My favorite flower; Fuinque

My cooking partner, Kate. She is allergic to peanuts and eggs so I have learned how to read the ingredients on packaging. That being said, a trip to the store takes hours and is no small ordeal.
The prettiest water i have ever seen Rio Galeto Canzalo. I watched a kingfisher or Martin Pescador for an hour as the sun rose over this river.
This is what my journal looks like, as the rain fell outside, we stayed warm and dry in a Quinchu.
The perks of living in a fishing town... These fish were still floppin on the hook.
If I were to choose a house, this would be it. The simplicity backdropped by sheer beauty gave my heart wiggles of happiness.
Casual stretching after a long hike. Here is my team.

On top of Horno Piren. Our guides wielded machetes, literally hopping our path hrpugh thickets of bamboo. My backside is bruised from the hike down, which turned out to be more of a slide than anything.
3/4 of the boys drinking wine and contemplating life.
Studying for our test! 
Lightning bug tents.
Studying with Morgan, my tent partner.
This is Harrison. 

The walk into Horno Piren from Patagonia El Cobre, the Ecocamping location.
Perri, my partner in crime.
Pisco Sours in the boot.
We walked up to that mountain in the distance.
The drive yesterday!
And lastly a cup of coffee, the only good coffee I have found so far, for a day of travel. We are headed to the small climbing town of Cochamo where we'll backpack 10 kilometers. Tonight our discussion will be about the Mapuche culture and their rights. The rain just started to fall and we are about to board up. 
A nice Tineo for your pleasure. 

Ciao for now! 

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